After the Second World War ended and the 1940s was transitioning into the prosperity heavy/Cold War era of the 1950s the need for courage and heroism was greater than ever. Over time some members of the Stampede either went into semi-retirement for various reason or disappeared, leaving the need for help. And that help came in several forms when the Stampede recruited several new members throughout the 1950s and into the 1960s.
Skyway; During the mid-late 1950s Dan Berarducci was a jack-of-all-trades & a engineering/mechanical savant who was working as a mechanic at the Buffalo Municipal Airport, but wanting more from life, mainly fame & fortune, Berarducci realized how to gain what he sought. Inspired after seeing the Wingman stop a band of criminals during an attempt airport robbery, he decided to become a superhero. Drawing inspiration from the Wingman and Steel Industry, Beraducci invented a battle suit that increased his strength and provides a degree of invulnerability, while equipped with revolutionary turbo-jet technology that possesses wearable turbines boots that propel him through the air and using the same technology in his gauntlets to magnify physical blows or knock opponents out with a compressed air blast capable of felling a charging rhino. His helmet was equipped to pick up radio signals from the police and the aircraft an airport tower, then in time Beraducci developed his visor to detect aircraft radar signals. Eventually Skyway made a name for himself and aided the Stampede, then in time was offered a spot on the team, but he rubbed other members the wrong way with his cavalier attitude and has been confronted several times by the Loony and a few other of his teammates about his attitudes, but eventually his mindset changed after some civilians were hurt during a battle the Stampede had with criminals during the 1960’s. With his position having changed Skyway became the true hero he was meant to be and by the 1980’s he realized the world was changing and a new generation of heroes was needed, so in secret he supported & sponsored the teenage heroes, the Upperclassmen. Taken for Buffalo’s Skyway BridgeRockpile: A living landmass of rock, slate & dirt who looks like a true monstrosity, Rockpile is a man with a soul, a victim of corrupt powers, and a born hero. Owen Long originally was a safety inspector from Hooker Chemical, in the Niagara Falls, NY region during the early fifties. Long eventually discovered the true extent of chemical dumping the company was doing in the grounds that were being sold to the school district in 1953. When he attempted to go public and alert the authorities and the public, his superiors had found out his plans and had their hired guns seize him and take him to the underground dump site where they were going kill him, but Long escaped into the underground caverns, which is when the criminals decided to dynamite the grotto closed and bury him alive. Long was left for dead, but over time as he searched for a way to escape the properties of the chemicals jumbled his molecules with the soil he was buried under and somehow, Long was transformed into a living being, a monstrous, earth & rock-like humanoid possessing high levels of superhuman strength and durability. On top of which Rockpile can move through the ground as if he was walking through the air, open fissures in the ground, and create minor tremors. After learning about what his new body could do Rockpile had one thought, revenge. He attacked Hooker Chemical looking for those responsible which brought him into conflict with members of the Stampede. At first, he was able to hold them off, but during the fight when Long’s identity was learned by Hooker personal, and some tried begging for mercy, but only the intervention of Lady Liberty was able to keep Rockpile from killing the Hooker personal. Seeing Long is just a man and not a monster, she talked to him, and promised there would be justice & the Stampede would do what they could to reserve what happened. At first Rockpile left the scene leaving the Stampede to clean up the mess, unable to legally touch the Hooker representatives. After some time, isolated, Rockpile was found by the Stampede after he saved a group of campers at Zoar Valley near the villages of Gowanda, NY. Rockpile took the team up on their offer in hopes of becoming human again. Taken for War Memorial Stadium aka the Rockpile.The Thespian: The third generational member of a crime fighting family the current Thespian is granddaughter to the lesser-known, turn-of-the-century hero the Iron Knight, and her father the first Thespian, but to the world at large they assume she is her father. The heroine learned of his family's legacy when her father, crawled bleeding to her apartment one night in costume, having been mortally wounded by members of Buffalo’s mafia family, the Arm during an attempted robbery of Shea’s Performing Arts Center in 1956. Before requesting that his body be dumped somewhere where the family secrets wouldn't be uncovered, the dying hero made his daughter promise to find her grandfather but not to follow in his footsteps. Filled with anger and wanting justice/revenge, she began practicing with her grandfather’s weapons and try to undertake the physical training she sought, but knew she lacked the experience she needed. When caught by her grandfather, he could only do so much due to his health, and knowing his granddaughter was more than determined, he reached out to the Sabre and Blackthorne who were willing to work with the girl, because they were determined bring justice for her father. In time she became capable of sword fighting, using a sword that projects energy bursts and can shock an enemy unconscious. Adopting her father’s identity, the new Thespian struck at the Arm, while be watched over by her grandfather, the Sabre, & Blackthorne. She eventually got the men who killed her father, all the while letting them believe she was him, beginning an underworld legend that the Thespian is either a ghost or an immortal. With the misogynistic attitudes of the era, she felt it best to let the world believe that the Thespian was a man. With the support of the veteran heroes the new Thespian was recruited into the Stampede, where the others could keep an eye on the girl. Taken for Buffalo’s Theater District.Norseman: During the 1950s a professor brought to the Buffalo History Museum an exhibit on Mythological artifacts which included a pair of twin Viking battle axes, supposedly forged by Zowave, the God of Hunters & Warriors. According to the professor, he and other scholars found tablets & scrolls stating Zowave was a member of the Conclave, the one-true Parthenon of Mythical Deities that all other mythological gods were based on, no matter the country, religion, or belief. During the exhibit Raud Osbourn, visiting from Norway, while viewing the axes received a vision from Zowave telling Osbourn about the Conclave, their allies on Earth, The Primal Guardians, and their ancient enemies, The Dark Ones. Zowave also showed Osbourn he’d be needed in time to aid in protecting humanity but would need the axes to be granted the power needed. Just then a bolt out of the blue destroyed the display case, sending the crowd back, but when Osbourn fell back, he landed with the axes in his hands. In that moment Osbourn was transformed into the Norseman. At first there was a misunderstanding, and it was believed he’d stolen the axes, which lead to a one-sided fight with security and officers from Buffalo Police Dept. on the losing end. Eventually the Norseman was able prove the professor was about the Conclave, that Zowave and his brethren were real, and of a coming war with The Dark Ones. The professor agreed to let Osbourn ‘borrow’ the axes for the considerations of helping him learn more about the Conclave and the coming war. After aiding the Stampede in a battle with the Fox Sisters, the team offered membership to the Norseman, who accepted, thinking his new allies might be of assistance against the Dark Ones. The battle axes are indestructible and can cut through anything including steel, concrete, and all metals to date. They also grant Osbourn the powers to summon lighting & storms, allow him to fly, and grant super strength, near invulnerability, and extended lifespan if not immortality. Taken for the Buffalo Norsemen from the North American Hockey League.Nighthawk: Mariana DeMera grew up in a fairy tale world, which was understandable being her father was Anthony DeMera, a Lieutenant in Buffalo’s crime family aka The Arm. Being a Mafia Princess Mariana grew up as part of the Queen City’s criminal royalty, but that all came to an end when her father was set up by associates and their superiors had DeMera killed while Marina was traveling in Europe. After returning to America Mariana learned not only of her father being framed & murdered, but her mother was having an affair with one of her husband’s killers, which angered Marina beyond belief. Seeking vengeance against everyone involved Mariana, a gifted, natural athlete sought out Vulcan a legendary weapons and gear designer for both the hero and criminal communities and she had him outfit her with what she needed. Once she was ready Mariana declared war on the Arm and their associates, including her mother, who she targeted first by stealing large amounts of cash kept on hand & several of her mother’s most expensive jewelry, giving most to charities or those in need. After this robbery, she began targeting the hierarchy of the Arm, stealing from their homes, wives & girlfriends, which lead to a full out war between her and the Arm. In time Nighthawk’s activities brought her into conflict with the Loony, Blackrock, and a few other members of the Stampede. Eventually the Loony figured out she was targeting members of the mob and was able learn she wasn’t a true criminal but looking for a way to take down the Arm, who put a bounty out on the female ‘Robin Hood’ as the media called her. The Loony looking to assist Nighthawk take down the mob helped make serious blows to them, but things escalated when the Arm brought in a group of hired guns of super human criminals to kill them, but the Stampede was able to stop them. In working with the Stampede Nighthawk realized there was more to serving justice than just vengeance and the Loony offered to show her the way, and in time she became a reserve member of the Stampede all while protecting the innocent as well as targeting the guilty. Among her equipment Nighthawk’s signature weapons are gold, metal throwing ‘feathers’ used as distance weapons and she drives a two-tone black customized 1955 Buick Skylark. Taken for the former Ladies Professional Buffalo Baseball team.